Holla, sepertinya sudah lama sekali saya vacuum, nah langsung saja kali ini kita bahas game yang sedang naik daun nih, DARK SOULS III. Game ini menjadi TOP SELLERS di Steam hingga saat ini, mengalahkan Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Stardew Valley dan GTA V. Game bergenre Action - RPG dengan sensai dunia Dark Fantasy yang membuat setiap orang yang memainkannya serasa terbawa suasana. Tersedia pada PC, PS4, dan Xbox One. Berikut beberapa info mengenai game ini:
Developer: FromSoftware, Inc
Publisher: FromSoftware, Inc, BANDAI NAMCO Entertaiment
Released Date: 12 April 2016
Metacritic: 90/100
- Winner of gamescom award 2015 "Best RPG" and over 35 E3 2015 Awards and Nominations -
Berikut beberapa in-game screenshot.
“Dark Souls 3's incredible world and awe-inspiring weapon arts make it the fiercest installment yet.”
9.5/10 – IGN
“Sprawling level design, thrilling combat, and masterful indirect storytelling make Dark Souls 3 the best Dark Souls yet.”
94% – PC Gamer
“Dark Souls III successfully replicates the winning formula of the Souls series, a wondrous combination of majestic boss battles, incredible layered environments full of secrets, and precise combat that can make other action RPGs difficult to play once you’ve mastered the art.”
9.25/10 – Game Informer
Masih penasaran juga?
Coba liat gameplay nya PewDiePie haha
“Dark Souls 3's incredible world and awe-inspiring weapon arts make it the fiercest installment yet.”
9.5/10 – IGN
“Sprawling level design, thrilling combat, and masterful indirect storytelling make Dark Souls 3 the best Dark Souls yet.”
94% – PC Gamer
“Dark Souls III successfully replicates the winning formula of the Souls series, a wondrous combination of majestic boss battles, incredible layered environments full of secrets, and precise combat that can make other action RPGs difficult to play once you’ve mastered the art.”
9.25/10 – Game Informer
Masih penasaran juga?
Coba liat gameplay nya PewDiePie haha
Belum puas? Sepertinya memang anda harus memainkannya sendiri! Ups, tapi game DARK SOULS III ini cukup menguras dompet. Anda dapat membelinya seharga Rp.587.000 dan untuk Deluxe Edition (+Season Pass) seharga Rp.830.000 di Steam. Jangan lupa untuk mengecek dan mempersiapkan System Requirements nya bro, takutnye udah beli ga bisa dimainin wkwk.
Sekian postingannya, jika dirasa bermanfaat, alhamdulillah...
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